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Trends in Food Engineering


ISBN10: 1566769914
ISBN13: 9781566769914

Publisher: CRC Press

Price: $179.95
Pages: 347
Publish date: July 2000

Broad coverage of state-of-the-art in food engineering Topics of current importance to the food industry Trends for the 21st century Chapters by leading international food engineers Trends in Food Engineering presents a wide vision of food engineering, with an emphasis on topics vital to the food industry today. The first section deals with physical and sensory properties of food. The emphasis in these chapters is on structure-function relationships, food rheology, and the correlations between physicochemical and sensory data. The second section, on advances in food processing, includes recent developments in minimal preservation and thermal and nonthermal processing of foods. The book concludes with current topics in food engineering, including applied biotechnology, food additives, and functional properties of proteins.

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