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Sports Nutrition


ISBN10: 849381975
ISBN13: 9780849381973

Publisher: CRC Press

Price: $89.95
Pages: 296
Publish date: September 1999

Energy requirements and body composition Health benefits of exercise Exercise guidelines for athletes and non-athletes Exercise as therapy for degenerative diseases. Dietary recommendations for each age and gender Food and nutrient composition tables for easy reference Discover the healing and restorative powers of nutrition and exercise Essential nutrients do more than sustain life, they support the body's ability to withstand deteriorating illness, ailments, and accidents. Medical and athletic professionals understand the relationship between nutrition, exercise, and physical well-being. Now, Judy A. Driskell, Ph.D., R.D., one of the pioneers in the rapidly growing field of sports nutrition, examines and assesses the chemistry, biology and physics of good health. Sports Nutrition is a vital reference for medical professionals, and a unique and valuable resource for coaches, teachers, trainers and athletes.

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