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Index page for: Produce Degradation: Pathways and Prevention

Table of Contents Flavor and Volatile Metabolism. Enzymatic Degradation of Produce Quality. Produce Color and Appearance. Nutrient Loss. Genetic Basis of Produce Stability. Mechanisms of Food Additives, Treatments and Preservation Technology. Water. Cell Tissue and Membrane Degradation. Microbial Ecology of Spoilage. Chemical Changes Caused by Microorganisms. Microbial Metabolites in Fruits and Vegetables. Chemical and Physicochemical Interactions and Produce Shelf Life. Degradative Changes Caused by Mechanical Injury. Maturity, Ripening and Quality Relationships. Temperature Effects on Produce Degradation. Packaging. Transportation. Mechanism of Lipid Degradation in Produce. Carbohydrate Degradation in Fruits and Vegetables. Protein Instability in Produce. Imported Produce.