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Index page for: International Food Safety Handbook: Science, International Regulation, and Control

Table of Contents Food safety - a worldwide public issue, perceptions of food related risks - facts and fancy, microbiological and hygienic aspects of food and drinking water, exposure estimation, toxicological requirements, and risk assessment, health aspects of nutrition, drinking water safety, the safety of bottled water, safety aspects of soft drinks, health effects of coffee, tea, mate, cocoa and their major methylxanthine components, dietetic foods, alternative foods, the role of sports foods in physical performance, the safety assessment of food contaminants and pesticide residues, the safety assessment of food additives and flavouring substances, safety aspects of residues of veterinary drugs and feed additives, the safety assessment of food packaging materials, food irradiation, heat treatment, and related processing techniques, assessment of risk arising from food alterations during transport, storage, and preservation, natural toxins I. mycotoxins, natural toxins II. phycotoxins, natural toxins III. inherent plant toxins, novel foods, general aspects of microbiological food safety, sources of contamination, processes, and health risks, assessment of microbiological food safety, hygienic requirements and means of prevention of microbial contamination of food, food sensitivities/allergic reactions/food intolerances, accidents affecting food and food poisonings, food composition, caloric value, and micronutrient content - analytical aspects, the detection and identification of residues and contaminants in food and biological materials of animal origin. (Part contents).