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Illustrated Culinary Art volume 5 - Kochkunst in Bildern 5

Author: Verband der Köche Deutschlands e.V. (Ed.)

ISBN13: 9783875166774

Publisher: Matthaes Verlag GmbH

Price: €25.00
Pages: 446
Edition: Hardcover with dust-jacket
Publish date: January 1970

Aimed at both - the professional and amateur cook, this volume contains 445 pages and a total of 767 colour illustrations and is an indispensable reference work on first-rate international culinary standards. 1.100 cooks and chefs from all over the world demonstrated their skills in Erfurt at the IKA / Culinary Olympics 1996. The most impressive menus, platters and show-pieces are presented in 360 brilliant colour photographs. 80 teams and their members have been individually photographed. The successes achieved by all th participating nations and teams are indicated in a clear chart of the most important medals and prizes awarded.