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Author: R. Stevenson , University of Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. Max Bothwell , National Hydrological Research Institute, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Rex Lowe , Bowling Green State University, Ohio, U.S.A. James Thorp , University of Kansas - Lawrence

ISBN13: 9780126684506

Publisher: Elsevier

Price: €142.00
Pages: 753
Edition: Hardbound
Publish date: May 1996

Algae are an important component of aquatic benthic ecosystems because they reflect the health of their environment through their density, abundance, and diversity. This comprehensive and authoritative text is divided into three sections to offer complete coverage of the discussion in this field. The first section introduces the locations of benthic algae in different ecosystems, like streams, large rivers, lakes, and other aquatic habitats. The second section is devoted to the various factors, both biotic and abiotic, that affect benthic freshwater algae. The final section of the book focuses on the role played by algae in a variety of complex freshwater ecosystems. As concern over environmental health escalates, the keystone and pivotal role played by algae is becoming more apparent. This volume in the Aquatic Ecology Series represents an important compilation of the latest research on the crucial niche occupied by algae in aquatic ecosystems.