
Being Vegetarian For Dummies
Author: Suzanne HavalaISBN13: 9780764563355
Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Price: €17.00
Pages: 360
Edition: Paperback
Publish date: March 2001
Before you arrived at the restaurant, your friends all ordered a large pizza—half pepperoni, half sausage. As the solo vegetarian, you discreetly add a small cheese pizza to the order—with peppers and onions, of course! Welcome to the world of a vegetarian in an otherwise carnivorous population. Vegetarianism has found itself growing in popularity, whether for religious, health, moral, or many other reasons. Still, it’s not uncommon to be the minority in a large group of people based on your vegetarian lifestyle. Going to a restaurant, a dinner party, traveling, and holidays (think: tofurkey!) can often be a challenge for many vegetarians. Being Vegetarian For Dummies helps you choose the vegetarian lifestyle that is right for you, whether you’re a vegetarian in the making or if you’ve been a vegetarian for years . With the helpful advice this guide provides, you’ll: Discover the vegetarian food guide pyramid Figure out true benefits of vegetarianism Find out how to reinvent your favorite recipes Learn how to arrange for vegetarian foods at wedding, banquets, and other social events Best of all, Being Vegetarian For Dummies tackles head-on some of the most common questions that vegetarians often face when someone learns of their dietary lifestyle. Aren’t you lacking a ton of vitamins and minerals? What exactly do you eat? Don’t you get tired of salads? Isn’t it dangerous to be vegetarian when you’re pregnant? The list goes on—mainly because most people don’t have a clear understanding of what being a vegetarian really entails. Being Vegetarian For Dummies offers you all you need to know to make smart, healthy choices, and also covers: Deciding whether to switch to vegetarianism overnight or gradually Finding vegetarian sources of protein Ensuring that you have a healthy vegetarian pregnancy Vegetarian diets for children and teens Understanding what’s really in your food and other products Being Vegetarian For Dummies definitely promises that you won’t be eating grilled cheese sandwiches for the rest of your life.