
Overview of Russian pesticides requirements (en)

vrijdag 22 januari 2010

Developed by Freshfel

A memorandum between the Russian Federation and the European Union on compliance and controls of these MRLs has entered into force as of 1 July 2008. Since then, all shipments to Russia have to be accompanied by a Pesticide Usage Statement indicating all pesticide treatments and the date of the last treatment. A template is available here.

In case of mulitple infringements, the Russian authorities might request operators from certain countries and for certain products to present an additional document, the safety certificate. A template of that document is available here, as well as a list of accredited labs in the different EU Member States. Safety certificates are needed for produce supplied by the following countries.

Freshfel prepared detailed, user-friendly overviews for key crops:
  • produced in the EU
  • produced outside the EU

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