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Index page for: Nutritional and Environmental Influences on the Eye

Table of Contents Lens and Retina Function: Introduction and Challenge for this Book, A. TaylorOxygen Radicals in the Pathogenesis of Cataracts-Possibilities for Therapeutic Intervention, S. D.Varma, P. S. Devamanoharan, and A.H. AliFunction of the Lens and Methods of Quantifying Cataract, L. T. Chylack, Jr.Nutritional and Environmental Influences on Risk for Cataract, A. Taylor Evaluation of Epidemiologic Studies of Nutrition and Cataract, W. G. ChristenAnimal Studies on Cataract, G. E. BunceEvaluation of Anticataractogenic Reagents, J.I. Clark and T. HiraokaLight and Risk for Age-related Eye Diseases, C. McCarty, and H. R. Taylor Smoking and the Risk of Eye Diseases, S. K.WestGrading of Age-related Maculopathy and Age-related Macular Degeneration, M.LahavDiet and Age-related Macular Degeneration, J. A. Mares-Perlman and R. KleinThe Carotenoids of the Human Retina, W.Schalch, P. Dayhaw-Barker, and F. M Barker, IIIn Vivo Psychophysical Assessment of Nutritional and Environmental Influences on Human Ocular Tissues: Lens and Macular Pigment, D. M.Snodderly and B. R. Hammond, Jr.Index