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Index page for: Healthful Lipids

Table of Contents Part 1: Current Regulatory Issues1. Trans Fatty Acids in Foods and Their Labeling Regulations2. Safety, Regulatory Aspects, and Public Acceptance of Genetically Modified LipidsPart 2: Processing and Emerging Analytical Technologies3. Production, Processing and Refining of Oils4. Novel Hydrogenation for Low Trans Fatty Acids in Vegetable Oils5. Analysis of Lipids by New Hyphenated Techniques6. Supercritical Fluid Processing of Nutritionally Functional Lipids7. Short-Path Distillation for Lipid Processing8. Fat Crystallization TechnologyPart 3: Nutrition and Biochemistry9. Dietary Fatty Acids and Their Influence on Blood Lipids and Lipoproteins10. Essential Fatty Acid Metabolism to Self-Healing Agents11. Dietary n-6:n-3 Fatty Acid Ratio and Health12. CLA Sources and Human Studies13. Lipids with Antioxidant Properties14. g-Linolenic Acids: The Health Effects15. Phytosterols and Phytosterol Esters16. The Effects of Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Various Clinical ConditionsPart 4: Enzyme and Lipid Biotechnology17. Lipase Reactions Applicable to Purification of Oil-and Fat-Related Materials18. Enzymatic Synthesis of Symmetrical Triacylglycerols Containing Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids19. Patent Review on Lipid Technology20. Genetic Enhancement and Modification of Oil-Bearing Crops21. Genetically Engineered OilsPart 5: Oxidation22. Emulsion Technologies to Produce Oxidative Stable Emulsions Containing n-3 FA23. Chemistry for Oxidative Stability of Edible OilsPart 6: Applications of Healthful Lipids24. Structured and Specialty Lipids25. Lipids in Infant Formulas and Human Milk Fat Substitutes26. Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Butter Equivalents, and Cocoa Butter Replacers27. Margarine and Baking Fats28. Nutritional Characteristics of Diacylglycerol Oil and Its Health Benefits29. Plant Stanol Ester as a Cholesterol-Lowering Ingredient of Benecol? Foods30. Palm Oil, Its Fractions, and Components