
Food Labeling Compliance Review
Author: James L. SummersISBN13: 9780813821818
Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Price: €160.00
Pages: 336
Edition: Hardcover
Publish date: September 2007
Consultant and long-time Food and Drug Administration (FDA) food labeling expert James Summers answers the many questions surrounding FDA food labeling regulations and compliance in Food Labeling Compliance Review . This comprehensive manual and fully searchable, accompanying CD-ROM are designed to aid in understanding the requirements of the FDA. Food Labeling Compliance Review is a must-have for regulatory officials, industry personnel, and others responsible for assuring that the label and labeling of domestic and imported food products in interstate commerce comply with the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, as amended. The new fourth edition of Food Labeling Compliance Review fully covers recently enacted provisions requiring labeling for allergens, trans fats, and qualified health claims. Clearly illustrated with dozens of charts, sample label panels and “Nutrition Facts” boxes, Food Labeling Compliance Review is the practical, no-nonsense tool needed by both the experienced and inexperienced food label reviewer.