
Advanced Nutrition: Macronutrients, Second Edition
Author:ISBN10: 849387353
ISBN13: 9780849387357
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $79.95
Pages: 368
Publish date: Juli 2000
Includes fully revised, updated, and expanded material Places greater emphasis on gene expression as affected by nutrition Considers aging in each unit reflecting the rising concern of aging populations in developed nations Discusses uncoupling proteins with particular emphasis on the regulation of body fat, mitochondrial genome-particularly as it relates to the development of diabetes, and apoptosis and its control The explosion of knowledge about satiety and hunger has given new meaning to our understanding of the genetics of obesity. New interest in gene expression as related to nutrition and advances in the field of macronutrients has made the latest nutrition research intriguing. Advanced Nutrition: Macronutrients adopts an integrated approach to the understanding of macronutrient nutrition. It provides scientific foundations of the current findings on energy balance, protein need, gene expression, and carbohydrate and lipid use, and maintains emphasis on the biochemical and physiological basis for nutrient need.