
Daily Bread: A Daybook of Recipes and Reflections for Healthy Eating
Author: M. J. SmithISBN13: 9780471346746
Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Price: €15.00
Pages: 400
Edition: Hardcover
Publish date: juni 1997
Nourish your family and your soul. We all need a few minutes each day for relaxation and renewal. This daybook takes the everyday chore of meal planning and transforms it into an opportunity to celebrate food and spirit, soothe your soul, and nourish your family. Each day offers a new reflection?a Bible verse, comforting quote, touching letter, or poem?and a menu for simple, balanced eating. The book is filled with practical food ideas, quick and easy recipes, and helpful suggestions to achieve wellness. Your journey is divided into bimonthly themes that rejoice in the year?s changes and savor seasonal foods: January/February Comfort and Renewal March/April Nurturing Our Commitment to Healthy Eating May/June Celebrating Our Connections July/August Taking a Full Breath of God?s World September/October Gathering a Harvest November/December Thankful Celebration Daily Bread also offers advice and inspiration for exploring personal and group prayer, creating a family cookbook, celebrating the earth?s countless blessings, and remaining calm and relaxed through the busy holidays.