
Nutrient-Drug Interactions
Author:ISBN10: 157444915X
ISBN13: 9781574449150
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $99.95
Pages: 352
Publish date: juni 2006
Provides an analysis of hyperlipidemia and dyslipidemia treatment using both drug therapy and dietary modifications Discusses how chemoprotective phytochemicals improve metabolic imbalance and can dramatically alter the carcinogenicity of dietary carciogens Reviews the biochemical mechanisms by which nutritional antioxidants can reduce or block neuronal death in neurodegenerative disorders Presents observed drug-nutrient interactions that have been noted in the pharmacotherapy of unipolar depression Focuses on polymorphism where the intake of a specific nutrient related to that polymorphism affects the pathogenesis of CVD and/or cancer Analyzes the present state of nutrigenomic and pharmacogenomic research in relation to human cancer Current research has given us a more complete understanding of how the chemicals in foods and herbs interact with natural and synthetic drugs. In some cases a single food or supplement can profoundly increase or decrease the toxicity and/or efficacy of a single drug. Although it is standard practice to examine the effects of food consumption on the absorption and pharmacokinetics of new drugs, the issue has become greater than should this medicine be taken with or without food. Nutrient-Drug Interactions focuses on food, herbals, and their chemical constituents as contributors to human health through control of metabolism, primarily as they relate to chronic disease development and treatment. The book's organization highlights the ailment being treated or prevented and the targets of therapy. Each chapter provides a comprehensive examination of the macronutrient, micronutrient, and phytochemical impact on drug action and includes advice on modification or supplementation in those cases where diet is a factor. The chapters focus on the molecular mechanism by which a food or chemical is thought to modify disease process and drug behavior. The book describes the roles of genetic variation and polymorphism in determining nutrient/drug responses, how they might be profiled to identify those likely to demonstrate specific interactions, and who would benefit from adjuvant or complementary therapies. The book explores how what is consumed affects response, whether on a population or individual level, to the pharmacologic agents that are the mainstay of chronic disease treatment/prevention around the world.