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Lactic Acid Bacteria: Microbiological and Functional Aspects, Third Edition


ISBN10: 824753321
ISBN13: 9780824753320

Publisher: CRC Press

Price: $239.95
Pages: 656
Publish date: julio 2004

Provides an excellent overview of current research on the function, utilization, and nutritional aspects of lactic acid bacteria-showcasing scientific, commercial, and technological findings Offers completely revised chapters on bacteriocin production, safety assessment, propionic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria, lactic acid bacteria in cereal products and vegetable products, and the development of lactic acid bacteria microbiota in humans Includes new data on lactic acid bacteria and fish farming Features updated information on future research directions for the utilization of lactic acid bacteria While lactic acid producing fermentation has been utilized to improve the storability, palatability, and nutritive value of perishable foods for a very long time, only recently have we begun to understand just why it works. The first edition of this international bestseller both predicted and encouraged vigorous study of various strains of lactic acid bacteria in order to substantiate much of what was known but never scientifically validated. The editors now feel compelled to offer a new edition in order to inform microbiologists, food technologists, nutritionists, clinicians, product development experts, and regulatory experts of what continues to be rapid progress in the field. Lactic Acid Bacteria: Microbiological and Functional Aspects, Third edition brings its readers up to date on this continually expanding branch of study incorporating the latest research and findings from all corners of the world. In keeping with the inclusive multidisciplinary philosophy of the original editions, the editors have recruited several more scientists of distinction -- bringing the total of contributors to 37. The bulk of the text has been completely rewritten with new chapters being added to cover recently evolved topics, such as mathematical modeling, vegetable fermentation, methods for analysis of the gut microbiota, and probiotics for fish. As in the two previous editions, the present volume gives a valuable overview of the present status of this rapidly expanding interdisciplinary area of research. Also, as before, special emphasis has been placed on the health aspects of lactic acid bacteria, although, as can be seen in the table of contents, other relevant applications are covered as well.

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