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Index page for: Tomato Plant Culture: In the Field, Greenhouse, and Home Garden, Second Edition

Table of Contents INTRODUCTIONHistorical Background Tomato Trivia Plant CharacteristicsScientific ClassificationCommon NamesTomato ProductsTomato Yield RecordsProduction StatisticsConsumer Consumption and PreferencesTomato Production in the United StatesGreenhouse Tomato ProductionField- versus Greenhouse-Grown Fruit Home GardeningPersonal General Observations The Internet Personal ExperiencesPLANT CHARACTERISTICS AND PHYSIOLOGY Introduction Plant Forms Days to Maturity Photosynthetic Characteristics Light Energy Level Light QualityDaylight Length Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Water RequirementPlant Air Temperature RequirementsRoot Temperature Effects Consistency Flower CharacteristicsFlower PollinationFruit Characteristics Cultural Systems Field ProductionGreenhouse ProductionSEED AND SEEDLING PRODUCTIONIntroduction Seed Characteristics Elemental CompositionGermination Testing ProceduresGermination Time and TemperatureYoung Vegetative PlantsSeedling Production Transplant Characteristics Setting in the Soil Grafting Seed Production Saving Seed from Mature Tomato FruitCatalog Descriptions Days to Maturity Seed Treatments Disease Resistance CodesSeed Sources Heirloom VarietiesFRUIT CHARACTERISTICSIntroduction Physical Characteristics Size Shape Firmness Color ClassificationFruit Ripening Fruit GradesDefectsConsumer Quality Factors FlavorpHStoragePackaging Nutritional Content Sun-Dried Fruit Organically Grown and Pesticide FreeUseful UnitsTOMATO PLANT NUTRITION Introduction Nomenclature The Essential ElementsThe Structural ElementsThe Mineral ElementsMicronutrientsNutrient Element Uptake Patterns with Time The Beneficial Elements Humic Acid Plant Nutrient Element Management Plant AnalysisEssential Element Levels in the Tomato PlantConcentration Units Tissue TestingTissue Testing KitsInterpretation of Plant Analysis and Tissue Test ResultsVisual Symptoms of Deficiency and ExcessSoil TestingSoilless Rooting Medium AssaySoil Testing Laboratories Sensitivity to SalinityFIELD PRODUCTION IN SOILIntroduction Soil Physical CharacteristicsSubsoil CharacteristicsSoil Fertility RequirementsSoil pH Soil SalinitySoil Preparation and RotationIrrigation Water QualityFertilizer RecommendationsNutrient Content and RemovalPlant Population and SpacingFruit YieldHome Garden Production ProceduresHome Garden Soil PropertiesPlant Cultural Management Organically GrownGrowing Tomatoes in ContainersGREENHOUSE TOMATO PRODUCTION Introduction Past Status Current and Future GrowthFactors Affecting Greenhouse ProductionThe Tomato GreenhouseWater Quality Cropping Sequences and ClimateCulture Systems Fruit Yield and Cost of ProductionOrganic Soilless Media Bag Culture Hydroponic GrowingHydroponic Growing SystemsOther Hydroponic Growing SystemsThe Nutrient SolutionOrganic Hydroponics Greenhouse Cultivars/VarietiesRootstocks Crop/Growing System Monitoring Personal ObservationsPEST IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROLIntroduction Resistant CultivarsPlant DiseasesBotrytis Gray MoldSeedborne DiseasesSoilborne Diseases InsectsNematodesHow to Control PestsIntegrated Pest ManagementProphylactic ProceduresNutrient Solution Disease ControlWeed Control Professional Assistance Worker Protection for Greenhouse Employees Changing Label Recommendations and RestrictionsGreenhouse Decontamination and Cleaning Home Gardener Pest ControlREFERENCESAPPENDICESINDEX