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Author: J. Cobb , University of Rhode Island, Kingston, U.S.A. Bruce Phillips , CSIRO, Division of Fisheries and Oceanography, North Beach, Western Australia

ISBN13: 9780121774028

Publisher: Elsevier

Price: €166.00
Pages: 390
Edition: Hardbound
Publish date: noviembre 1980

This two-volume work presents a summary and review of the current state of lobster biology, ecology, physiology, behavior, and management. It emphasizes the biology of clawed lobsters (Nephropidae) and spiny lobsters (Palinuridae), with attention also given to slipper lobsters (Scyllaridae) and coral lobsters (Synaxidae).The first chapter of Volume 1 provides an overview of the general aspects of lobster biology that serves as an introduction for readers of both volumes. Subsequent chapters examine the topics of growth, neurobiology, reproduction, nutrition, pathology, social behavior, and migration patterns.The chapters in Volume II consider the ecology, population dynamics, fishery biology, and aquaculture of spiny and clawed lobsters. The topics selected in both volumes represent areas of current research whose findings have not been previously synthesized into a coherent form.An important feature of these volumes is the emphasis on the interaction between biology and management and culture. Many of the contributors have done research in both applied and basic biology and can articulate both points of view. The interaction between basic and applied research is of fundamental importance in these volumes in which management aspects of the research have been integrated with the basic biology of lobsters. The Biology and Management of Lobsters will be of interest to crustacean biologists, marine biologists and ecologists, zoologists, physiologists, animal behavior researchers, aquaculturalists, fisheries biologists and managers of fisheries, neurobiologists, pathologists, and food scientists.