
Unique RFID data collection software

Monday 18 December 2006

RFID tagging is a challenge as well as a new opportunity for manufacturers all over the world. BILWINCO WeightLogŪ is a new RFID data collection software which allows you to trace products through the entire value chain and to process big amounts of production data where and when you need them.

Whole-chain traceability
With BILWINCO WeightLogŪ you can trace a raw product all the way through the production process to the end of the chain. You can collect production data and information, carry out data processing and create statistics on the production process providing the required traceability data. Defective products can be traced back to the original batch allowing you to pick out and discard the defective batch rather than having to discard the entire stock (which would be the alternative in case of insufficient data collection for tracing).

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